
What is a Pandemic?

H1N1 Virus

A pandemic is according to the World Health Organization (WHO) must meet three conditions which are:
- Emergence of a disease which is new to the population
-The virus infects humans, causing serious illness; and
-The virus spreads easily and sustainably among humans. 
A pandemic occurs over a wide geographic area and affecting and exceptionally big proportion of the population.An epidemic of influenza is different from the dreaded pandemic that scientists and world health officials fear the most. We might see an epidemic a seasonal influenza during any given year. The outbrack of the of the 2009  influenza A virus subtype H1N1 raised concerns that a new pandemic was occuring.

The statistics is on the amount of poeple infected or died from the H1N1 virus in Australia was last updated at 1200 EST on 8 October 2009.
-36,88 individuals confirmed with the virus
-4,806 have been in hospital since bginning of the Epidemic
-185 deaths: 51 in New South Wales, 24 in Victoria, 41 in Queensland, 27 in Western  Australia, 27 in South Australia, 7 in Tasmania, 6 in Northern Territory and 6 in the ACT