
The germ experiment

what germs are on around us?


The aim of this experiment will show students what bacteria are on common objects (coins, door knobs etc.) that they touch and that these objects aid in the spread of diseases.


The places which are most common to people will have a moderate growth and will cover a large proportion of the plate.

 The place being tested on
2. Same kind of sterile agar plates

3. Same temperature when the plates are in the incubator
4. Same scale to record the results


 Sterile agar plates (4)
2. 4 different places to be tested on
3. An Incubator

. Label the Sterile agar plates with the name of the place you are testing.
2. Leave the plate at the place for 5 mins to absorb some of the air.
3. Place the plates (agar side in top) at 35C for 24hrs or 48 hrs at room temperature in an incubator.

4.Record the results after the 24hrs or 48hrs.

Discussion of Results:
The bacteria is located on everyday objects and can be potentially contagious or harmful. Since we don’t know what theses bacteria can to us we must wash our hands regularly, cover our mouths when we cough, limit ourselves from touching objects, keeping our distance from others and to notshare personal items withothers. In this experiment there weren't really anydifficulties because we just needed a sample of the air at that designated place. Maybe next time if it wasn't because of the school policy we could've had a more accurate result because we couldn't brush the objects in the area because of heath safety.    

Is I expected, I was correct. The objects or places where people most commonly come in touch with will most likely have the most amounts of bacteria. Something unexpected was that in the so called "Fresh air" there was a black, yellow and white coloured bacterium. Since there are many places and objects where many people come in contact with you need to always keep clean and regularly wash your hands.