
How do you prevent being contaminated by Swine Flu?

Wahing your hands
The most effective way to protect you, family members and friends is by keeping up your personal hygiene at all times.

You need to wash you hands regularly with soap and water or you could use alcohol-based product (gels, rinses, foams) that doesn't require water, eiter of these methods is effective. these products are available at supermarkets and pharmacies.


Covering your mouth when sneezing
You always need to cover you mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. The virus can travel through the air and so by turning away from people and covering you mouth or nose with a tissue or sleeve, you will prevent the spread.


You shouldn't touch your mouth
You should never share personal items such as towels, bedding toothbrushes and eating utensils. The flu virus can spread when someone  touches an object with the virus on it and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.


Avoiding close contact with others
Avoiding close contact with others at all times will reduce the risk of the virus spreading. You need to keep your distance from other (at least one metre) when you are unwell or the other person is unwell.


Taking precautions from the pandemic
You need to use protection equipment if you are coughing or mabe infectious. In addition to practicing a good hygiene and keeping your distance form others you are encouraged to wear a surgical mask to contain the virus prevent it as much as possible from spreading.

“A” = Close contact with other people infected with the virus.
“B” = Washing hands regularly with soap and water.
“C” = Not covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
“D” = Not sharing personal items such as towels and toothbrush.
“E” = Not wearing protective equipment when you cough or sneeze.
“F” = Avoiding close contact with others.
“G” = Using protective equipment if you are coughing or sneezing.
“H” = Sharing your personal items with others.
“I”  = Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
“J”  = Staying at home.

The best five ways to prevent you from being contaminated from pandemics is as you can see, "B", "D", "F", "G" and "I". "J" staying at home is good answer but it is not the in the best 5 ways to prevent you from being contaminated from pademics.